Saturday, August 31, 2019

Business Practice in Australia

Some rural communities will not have the same exposure to immigrants and international visitors, although the popularity of Australia as a budget traveler destination has affected that. Generally variety is accepted and people of many cultures will be seen in the workplace and are accepted. (Source 3) Source 3: Cultural Dimension and Concept Hoofed Background to Business in Australia Book Author: Egger The country is very large with smallest amount of population compared to land area though has equally states of USA relatively has a population half the size of California.Due to lack of domestic market in size compared to geographic isolation which means Australian business increasingly recognize the need of international market to ensure their future country income as well as well being of country. Indeed, a criticism that has been leveled against Australian business organizations has been their slowness to take up the challenge of international. Source 4) Thus, Australia finds itsel f needing to become ever more international in its outlook both economically and politically.The extremely successful economy is dependent upon trade with both the US and increasingly with key Asian countries such as China, Japan and India. Traditional British Commonwealth links have been declining in importance over several decades. ( Source 4) In short Australia is a small market with a highly educated, affluent population which realizes the importance of international trade – they are waiting to do business with you! ( Source 4) Australian Business Structures people do not give the impression that they ‘think they are somebody'.It is much better to be seen as a ‘good bloke' or a ‘good mate' than somebody who is overtly proud of themselves and their achievements. Australian business thinking is based on US business modeling where people would have conflict with influence to be slavish with others who are in favor of US style entrepreneurial. ( Source 5) Th ese dispute combination leads Australian organization to be fairly non-hierarchical in their structure. Attention is paid to titles and ranking with the organizations. Thus NY integration organization looking to set up operation in country should be well advised against their behavior of business structure.Similarly, do not be too surprised if Australian business contacts seem willfully disrespectful of hierarchy when working internationally – they are not being rude, merely acting in a consistent Australian manner. ( Source 5) (Source 4 & 5: Horticulturalists. Com/ Australian Business Structure. HTML) Australian Management Style It is believe in Australia that in work everyone is Just having different Jobs not as in terms of different position, therefore manages are not expected to see themselves as n any way superior to their colleagues.Such approach may provoke outright hostility. Challenging the idea of boss in open meeting is not at all consider as rude or disrespectful on contrary it is found as committed or an professional approach, therefore it is compulsory to adopt consultative style of management which is inclusive of person's opinions or an open debate of ideas. In keeping with the Australian direct style of communication, debates between senior and Junior executives may appear from the outside as confrontational and occasionally they rarely are.This style of interaction is merely viewed as the most acrimonious ? effective way of attaining the end goal. ( Source 6) Australian managers to not remain aloof from members of their team ? they usually want to be ‘one of the boys' and be seen as ‘a good bloke'. The idea of managers only socializing with other managers would be viewed as very affected and would be likely to result in alienation. ( Source & 6: Horticulturalists. Com/Australian Management Style) Australian Meetings Australian do considered punctuality as virtue, however meeting often start five or ten minutes late.In addit ion, it has tradition to go through few minutes of small talk fore getting down to serious discussion of meeting where sport is considered as common theme of discussions. Post planning culture is very well known in Australia prior to client facing meetings where little preparation is done before to attend such meetings. As an egalitarian approach, Australian are often set as an forum for open debate of an issue during meeting and found professional in doing so.Being ‘over- prepared' for meetings can result in certain negative feelings towards those who have prepared in advance as they can be seen to be trying to dictate and force their ideas on other people. If something important arises during the open debate it will not be excluded simply because it does not occur on the agenda. ( Source 7) Source 7 : Horticulturalists. Com/Australian Meetings Australian Team Australian looks for those who are very good as team player and has extreme importance according to their psyche wher e as Loner or invariable person not considered as good team person.Food and drinks are actively encouraged during make themselves out to be better than their colleagues in workplace does not make a good team player. A competitive edge should be directed towards the other am' (the competition) rather than being internally focused. ( Source 8: Horticulturalist. Com/ Australian Team) Australian Communication Styles Although Australia is resided with many different people from parts of world with over 100 languages being spoken by those population who have emigrated there, English is the official and by far most commonly spoken language.Directness is cherished in Australia and failure to say what you mean and mean what you say can be mistaken for evasiveness and even hypocrisy. ( Source 9) It is important not to be too self-promotional when presenting to Australians. A hard sell approach can often be misconstrued as bragging and can provoke a very negative response. Remember that people do not like to make out that they are better than others ? the same probably applies to products and services. A factual description of issues will be far better received than a more hyperbolic approach. Source 9) First names are invariably used in all business situations in Australia. It would be very unusual to call a business contact by their surname. Similarly, educational titles play relatively little part in business situations. (Source 9: Horticulturalists. Mom/Australian Communication style) Women in Business in Australia Women currently make up a large percentage of the workforce but as in many other countries are often found in lower paid and part-time Jobs. Whilst progress is being made, statistics will show that women are still paid comparatively less for doing the same Job as a man.On the other hand, women have made more progress in attaining managerial positions than in many other leading industrialists nations and more and more women are reaching the highest levels o f Australian organizations. (Source 10) :horticulturalists. Mom/ Women in business in Australia Australian Dress Code In corporate Australia, standard business dress is still very much the norm. Dark suits and ties are the standard dress for management level businessmen with women wearing business suits with either skirts or trousers.Remember that, for much of the year, Australia is a very hot country – so make sure that your clothing is lightweight and cool during those periods. Try to avoid excessive Jewelry and accessories which may be viewed as too ‘flashy' and therefore unprofessional. ( Source 1 1 : Horticulturalists. Mom/Australian dress code. HTML) Australian Etiquette & Customs ( Source 12) Meeting Etiquette Australians are not very formal so greetings are casual and relaxed. A handshake and smile suffices. While an Australian may say, ‘Giddy' or ‘Giddy, mate', this may sound patronizing from a foreigner.Visitors should simply say, ‘Hello' or ‘Hello, how are you? ‘ Gussies prefer to use first names, even at the initial meeting Gift Giving Etiquette Small gifts are commonly exchanged with family members, close friends, and neighbors on birthdays and Christmas. Trades people such as sanitation workers ay be given a small amount of cash, or more likely, a bottle of wine or a six-pack of beer! If invited to someone's home for dinner, it is polite to bring a box of chocolates are opened when received. Dining Etiquette Many invitations to an Gussies home will be for a ‘Barbie' (BBC).Guests to a barbeques typically bring wine or beer for their personal consumption. In some cases, very informal barbecues may suggest that you bring your own meat! Arrive on time if invited to dinner; no more than 15 minutes late if invited too barbeques or a large party. (Source 12: Kiss, Bow, Shake hand , Page 25-26) Successful Entertaining in Australia There is no great tradition for business entertaining in Australia and it ce rtainly shouldn't be viewed as the quick way to cement relationships with a new client or contact.In fact, you are more likely to be asked out for lunch or dinner once a firm relationship has been established – in this way the meal can in no way be seen to have influenced a business decision. People will very often ‘go Dutch' over a meal – this means that the bill is split equally amongst those present at the meal. If you wish to pay, make sure you make this clear before the meal to avoid any embarrassing abates when the bill is presented. ( Source 13) If invited to a pub or bar for a drink, it is very important to make sure you pay your ‘shout' – that means that everybody is expected to pay for a round of drinks.It is unadvisable to develop a reputation as someone who does not pay for his or her fair share of the drinks! Tipping is not always necessary but is usually expected at the better restaurants. Tips are usually for about 10% of the total bil l. (Source 13 : Worldliness culture website- Entertaining in Australia. HTML ) Appendix Source: World Business Culture -Australia/ Tips to live and to do business in Australia . Although Australia is relatively geographically remote and has a small domestic market, it is economically successful and its citizens have a comparatively high standard of living. . Due to its small domestic market, Australia needs to trade actively on the international market place and Australians know this – they are open to new ideas from overseas. 3. Australians prize their egalitarian approach to life- people should not try to make out that they are better than others. 4. This egalitarian world view is mirrored in many aspects of Australian business culture from corporate truckers to management and communication style. 5. On the whole, Australian hierarchical approach tends to sit uneasily in egalitarian Australia. 6.Managers try to develop a ‘mate' relationship with their colleagues and w ould be viewed negatively if they tried to seem aloof from subordinates. 7. Everybody expects to have an input into the decision-making process even if, in the final analysis, the boss still makes the decision. If the boss makes the decision with no prior consultation, it unlikely that people will be very keen to ensure implementation. 8. Decision-making meetings can e quite animated and it is expected that people will say exactly what they think without necessarily having to defer automatically to the boss' viewpoint. . Although Australians will say that they value punctuality as a professional necessity, do not be surprised if people appear five to ten minutes late for a meeting. 10. Some small talk is usually engaged in before the meeting proper starts. This stage of the meeting is, however, rarely protracted (five minutes or less. ) 1 1 . Australians tend to plan in less detail than certain other countries 12. The object of a meeting is often to explore the arioso possibilities available at that time, in order to determine what detailed actions may need to be taken after the meeting 13.Agendas are often produced at meetings but will not, necessarily, be strictly adhered to. Some deviation is allowed if it is felt to be constructive deviation. This is viewed as pragmatic. 14. Australians like to be viewed as good team players and will try very hard to play the role. 15. Teams are best managed by somebody who wants to be part of the team, rather than somebody who wished to be seen as apart from the team. 16. A team leader should IEEE themselves the ‘first amongst equals'. 17. Australians like people to say exactly what is on their mind.Hiding your views behind diplomatic language can be seen as evasiveness. 18. Never try to ‘hard sell' things to Australians who will probably view such an approach as bragging. Such an approach will invariably backfire in Australia. 19. Humor is an oft-used communication device in Australian business circles. It is difficult to envisage many situations where the use of humor would be deemed inappropriate. 20. Business attire in Australia tends towards the formal with suits ND ties the norm for men in management positions in major cities.Appendix II Australian Society & Culture Susie Modesty Australians are very down to earth and always mindful of not giving the impression that they think they are better than anyone else. They value authenticity, sincerity, and loathe pretentiousness. Australians prefer people who are modest, humble, self- deprecating and with a sense of humor. They do not draw attention to their academic or other achievements and tend to distrust people who do. They often downplay their own success, which may make them appear not to be achievement- oriented. Mates Australians place a high value on relationships.

Essay on “Rape, Racism, and the Law” Essay

Jennifer Wriggins analyzes the significance how race, ethnicity, and class influence a woman’s vulnerability to rape, the meaning and impact of the rape, and the response of family, of community, and of social institutions. Her article, â€Å"Rape, Racism, and the Law,† specifically focuses on the history of rape in the United States between the rapes of White women by Black men. As a feminist, she specifically focuses on two very damaging consequences of this selective blindness: the denials that Black women are raped; and all women are subject to pervasive and harmful sexual coercion of all kinds. Thorough this powerful essay, she examine the legal system’s treatment of rape and how racism plays a major part in denying the rights of African Americans, as well as, deny the veracity of women’s sexual subordination by creating a social meaning of rape which implies that the only type of sexual abuse is â€Å"illegal rape† and the only form of illegal rape is Black offender/White victim. I was exasperated after reading this article. This article highly irritated and annoyed me because of the interconnectedness of rape and racism. As a woman, it is hard not to get heated about this particular subject. Presently, there are now many struggles against rape. And, in acknowledging the struggles against rape one must also acknowledge the difference among women and the different ways that groups other than women are disempowered. In one of the many examples in this essay, racism and justice collide when in 1859 the Mississippi Supreme court dismissed the indictment of a male slave for the rape of a female slave less than 10 years old. â€Å"This indictment cannot be sustained, either at common law or under our statutes. It charges no offense known to either system. Slavery was unknown to the common law†¦ and hence its provisions are inapplicable†¦ There is no act which embraces either the attempted or actual commission of a rape by a slave on a female slave†¦ Master and slaves cannot be governed by the same system or laws; so different are their position, right and duties.† This ruling is disheartening in a few ways: Black men are held to lesser standards of restraint with Black women that are white men with White women; second, white men are held to lesser standards of restraint with black women that are Black men with white women. However, neither white nor black men were expected to show sexual restraint with black women. This is truly upsetting,  to me, because no man no matter what color should have the right to exercise rape or sexual coercion of any kind with any woman of any color without her consent. This reading is important to social work practice because it reflects and expansive and integrated approach to understanding rape, racism, and the law. By exploring the interconnectedness of rape and racism, I learned to analyze the assumptions implanted in and surrounding rape, racism, and social institutions. Finally, it develops understanding of the narrow focus of the black offender and the white rape victim, and the denial of the rape of black women, which engages within the cultural assumption of American society that is important to understand in the field of social work. This reading also teaches up to be receptive social work professionals able to work respectfully and competently with diverse population groups, with at the same time to understand and develop a sensitivity and respect for human rights. Through this reading, it is easy to see how stereotypes of racial and ethnic differences can have impact on a person’s life in regards to consequences, rewards, and punishments. It has not fit in because examining substantive justice arguably requires that human rights to life, well-being, and the commodities essential to life and well-being, be given priority whenever a societal decision is made. Societal conditions and institutional arrangements should be recognized as grounds for justification because they may impose limits and constraints on the choices available to an individual that are as unavoidable and compelling as those imposed by chance or by another human being. It is a scary thought that your skin color or sex could work against you in the legal system, but it does happen. For this reason, it is easy to understand why many women are not reporting these incidents. Reference: â€Å"Rape, Racism, and the Law† by Jennifer Wriggins

Friday, August 30, 2019

Night World : Witchlight Chapter 1

The mall was so peaceful. There was no hint of the terrible thing that was about to happen. It looked like any other shopping mall inNorth Carolina on a Sunday afternoon in December. Modern. Brightly decorated. Crowded with customers who knew there were only ten shopping days until Christmas. Warm, despite the chilly gray skies outside. Safe. Not the kind of place where a monster would appear. Keller walked past a display of â€Å"Santa Claus Through the Ages† with all her senses alert and open. And that meant a lot of senses. The glimpses she caught of herself in darkened store windows showed a high-school-aged girl in a sleek jumpsuit, with straight black hair that fell past her hips and cool gray eyes. But she knew that anybody who watched her closely was likely to see something else-a sort of prowling grace in the way she walked and an inner glow when the gray eyes focused on anything. Raksha Keller didn't look quite human. Which was hardly surprising, because she wasn't. She was a shapeshifter, and if people looking at her got the impression of a half-tamed panther on the loose, they were getting it exactly right. â€Å"Okay, everybody.† Keller touched the pin on her collar, then pressed a finger to the nearly invisible receiver in her ear, trying to tune out the Christmas music that filled the mall. â€Å"Report in.† â€Å"Winnie here.† The voice that spoke through the receiver was light, almost lilting, but professional. â€Å"I'm over by Sears. Haven't seen anything yet. Maybe she's not here.† â€Å"Maybe,† Keller said shortly into the pin-which wasn't a pin at all but an extremely expensive transmission device. â€Å"But she's supposed to love shopping, and her parents said she was headed this way. It's the best lead we've got. Keep looking.† â€Å"Nissa here.† This voice was cooler and softer, emotionless. â€Å"I'm in the parking lot, driving by theBingham Street entrance. Nothing to report- wait.† A pause, then the ghostly voice came back with a new tension: â€Å"Keller, we've got trouble. A black limo just pulled up outside Brody's. They know she's here.† Keller's stomach tightened, but she kept her voice level. â€Å"You're sure it's them?† â€Å"I'm sure. They're getting out-a couple of vampires and†¦ something else. A young guy, just a boy really. Maybe a shapeshifter. I don't know for sure; he isn't like anything I've seen before.† The voice was troubled, and that troubled Keller. Nissa Johnson was a vampire with a brain like the library of Congress. Something she didn't recognize? â€Å"Should I park and come help you?† Nissa asked. â€Å"No,† Keller said sharply. â€Å"Stay with the car; we're going to need it for a fast getaway. Winnie and I will take care of it. Right, Winnie?† â€Å"Oh, right, Boss. In fact, I can take 'em all on myself; you just watch.† ‘You watch your mouth, girl.† But Keller had to fight the grim smile that was tugging at her lips. Winfrith Arlin was Nissa's opposite-a witch and inclined to be emotional. Her odd sense of humor had lightened some black moments. â€Å"Both of you stay alert,† Keller said, completely serious now. â€Å"You know what's at stake.† â€Å"Right, Boss.† This time, both voices were subdued. They did know. The world. The girl they were looking for could save the world-or destroy it. Not that she knew that†¦ yet Her name was Iliana Harman, and she had grown up as a human child. She didn't realize that she had the blood of witches in her and that she was one of the four Wild Powers destined to fight against the time of darkness that was coming. She's about to get quite a surprise when we tell her, Keller thought That was assuming that Keller's team got to her before the bad guys did. But they would. They had to. There was a reason they'd been chosen to come here, when every agent of Circle Daybreak in North America would have been glad to do this job. They were the best. It was that simple. They were an odd team-vampire, witch, and shapeshifter-but they were unbeatable. And Keller was only seventeen, but she already had a reputation for never losing. And I'm not about to blow that now, she thought. â€Å"This is it, kiddies,† she said. â€Å"No more talking until we ID the girl. Good luck.† Their transmissions were scrambled, of course, but there was no point in taking chances. The bad guys were extremely well organized. Doesn't matter. Well still win, Keller thought, and she paused in her walking long enough really to expand her senses. It was like stepping into a different world. They were senses that a human couldn't even imagine. Infrared. She saw body heat. Smell. Humans didn't have any sense of smell, not really. Keller could distinguish Coke from Pepsi from across a room. Touch. As a panther, Keller had exquisitely sensitive hairs all over her body, especially on her face. Even in human form, she could feel things with ten times the intensity of a real human. She could feel her way in total darkness by the air pressure on her skin. Hearing. She could hear both higher and lower pitches than a human, and she could pinpoint an individual cough in a crowd. Sight. She had night vision like-well, like a cat's. Not to mention more than five hundred muscles that she could move voluntarily. And just now, all her resources were attuned to finding one teenage girl in this swarming mall. Her eyes roved over faces; her ears pricked at the sound of every young voice; her nose sorted through thousands of smells for the one that would match the T-shirt she'd taken from Iliana's room. Then, just as she froze, catching a whiff of something familiar, the receiver in her ear came to life. â€Å"Keller-I spotted her! Hallmark, second floor. But they're here, too.† They'd found her first. Keller cursed soundlessly. Aloud, she said, â€Å"Nissa, bring the car around to the west side of the mall. Winnie, don't do anything. I'm coming.† The nearest escalator was at the end of the mall. But from the map in her hand, she could see that Hallmark was directly above her on the upper level. And she couldn't waste time. Keller gathered her legs under her and jumped. One leap, straight up. She ignored the gasps- and a few shrieks-of the people around her as she sprang. At the top of her jump, she caught the railing that fenced off the upper-level walkway. She hung for a second by her hands, then pulled herself up smoothly. More people were staring. Keller ignored them. They got out of her way as she headed for the Hallmark store. Winnie was standing with her back to the display window of the store beside it. She was short, with a froth of strawberry curls and a pixie face. Keller edged up to her, careful to keep out of the line of sight of the Hallmark. â€Å"What's up?† â€Å"There's three of them,† Winnie murmured in a barely audible voice. â€Å"Just like Nissa said. I saw them go in-and then I saw her. They've got her surrounded, but so far they're just talking to her.† She glanced sideways at Keller with dancing green eyes. â€Å"Only three-we can take them easy.† â€Å"Yeah, and that's what worries me. Why would they only send three?† Winnie shrugged slightly. â€Å"Maybe they're like us-the best.† Keller only acknowledged that with a flicker of her eyebrows. She was edging forward centimeter by centimeter, trying to get a glimpse of the interior of the Hallmark shop between the stockings and stuffed animals in the display window. There. Two guys in dark clothing almost like uniforms-vampire thugs. Another guy Keller could see only as a partial silhouette through a rack of Christmas ornaments. And her. Iliana. The girl everybody wanted. She was beautiful, almost impossibly so. Keller had seen a picture, and it had been beautiful, but now she saw that it hadn't come within miles of conveying the real girl. She had the silvery-fair hair and violet eyes that showed her Harman blood. She also had an extraordinary delicacy of features and grace of movement that made her as pretty to watch as a white kitten on the grass. Although Keller knew she was seventeen, she seemed slight and childlike. Almost fairylike. And right now, she was listening with wide, trusting eyes to whatever the silhouette guy was saying. To Keller's fury, she couldn't make it out. He must be whispering. â€Å"It's really her,† Winnie breathed from beside Keller, awed. â€Å"The Witch Child. She looks just like the legends said, just like I imagined.† Her voice turned indignant. â€Å"I can't stand to watch them talk to her. It's like-blasphemy.† â€Å"Keep your hair on,† Keller murmured, still searching with her eyes. â€Å"You witches get so emotional about your legends.† â€Å"Well, we should. She's not just a Wild Power, she's a pure soul.† Winfrith's voice was softly awed. â€Å"She must be so wise, so gentle, so farsighted. I can't wait to talk to her.† Her voice sharpened. â€Å"And those thugs shouldn't be allowed to talk to her. Come on, Keller, we can take-them fast. Let's go.† â€Å"Winnie, don't-â€Å" It was too late. Winnie was already moving, heading straight into the shop without any attempt at concealment. Keller cursed again. But she didn't have any choice now. â€Å"Nissa, stand by. Things are going to get exciting,† she snapped, touching her pin, and then she followed. Winnie was walking directly toward the little group of three guys and Iliana as Keller reached the door. The guys were looking up, instantly alert. Keller saw their faces and gathered herself for a leap. But it never happened. Before she could get all her muscles ready, the silhouette guy turned-and everything changed. Time went into slow motion. Keller saw his face clearly, as if she'd had a year to study it. He wasn't bad-looking-quite handsome, actually. He didn't look much older than she was, and he had clean, nicely molded features. He had a small, compact body with what looked like hard muscles under his clothes. His hair was black, shaggy but shiny, almost like fur. It fell over his forehead in an odd way, a way that looked deliberately disarrayed and was at odds with the neatness of the rest of him. And he had eyes of obsidian. Totally opaque. Shiny silver-black, with nothing clear or transparent about them. They revealed nothing; they simply threw light back at anyone who looked into them. They were the eyes of a monster, and every one of Keller's five hundred voluntary muscles froze in fear. She didn't need to hear the roar that was far below the pitch that human ears could pick up. She didn't need to see the swirl of dark energy that flared like a red-tinged black aura around him. She knew already, instinctively, and she tried to get the breath to yell a warning to Winnie. There was no time. She could only watch as the boy's face turned toward Winnie and power exploded out of him. He did it so casually. Keller could tell that it was only a flick of his mind, like a horse slapping its tail at a fly. But the dark power slammed into Winnie and sent her flying through the air, arms and legs outstretched, until she hit a wall covered with display plates and clocks. The crash was tremendous. Winnie! Keller almost yelled it out loud. Winnie fell behind the cash register counter, out of Keller's line of sight. Keller couldn't tell if she were alive or not. The cashier who had been standing behind the counter went running and screaming toward the back of the shop. The customers scattered, some following the cashier, some dashing for the exit. Keller hung in the doorway a second longer as they streamed out around her. Then she reeled away to stand with her back against the window of the next shop, breathing hard. There were coils of ice in her guts. A dragon. He was a dragon.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Understanding the Ethics of Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Understanding the Ethics of Engineering - Essay Example If any company or organization does not behave ethically regarding any kind of business matter, various destructive effects occur as a result. â€Å"Business ethics, like most areas of ethics, often tends to focus on principles of actions, on the action itself and its consequences† (Frederick 30). In the field of engineering, ethics means the standards of moral behavior of individuals, not the standards of the engineering business as a whole. A business that behaves ethically induces other business associates to behave ethically as well (Posters). In this report regarding understanding the ethics of engineering, the factors which will be covered are ethical behaviors, importance of ethics in mechanical engineering, and various ethical issues in mechanical engineering. Ethical behavior promotes the self-respect, self-esteem, diversity and basic rights of individuals and groups of people. Personal ethics are the moral foundation on which people build their lives (Scivicque). Some examples of ethical behavior include truthfulness, fairness, respect, honesty, equality, sincerity, helping other individuals, taking care of others, obeying laws, and social values. Truthfulness is meant to inform others about any unwanted situation in order to provide them with awareness regarding the seriousness of the issue. For example, a doctor should always inform the patient about the disease even if the patient is not capable of bearing treatment expenditures. Fairness is that ethical behavior which is of extreme importance in any individual’s life. Fairness means to deal with every individual evenhandedly. For example, if a person is at a high rank, he is not supposed to make negative or improper use of his authority in any case. He should show fairness in every case which he deals with. Respect is another ethical behavior which deals with the admiration, approbation, and deference among individuals. For

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Question 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Question 2 - Essay Example This report is based on the implementation of ICT in the business strategy making process and the selected organization for analysis is Google Plc. Google is the largest market share holder of the search engine and internet browser industry (, 2014). With a diversified and huge product base they are among the industry leaders of the technological segment. The report will try to evaluate the process of ICT implementation by Google for business strategy development. Before the introduction of ICT in the business world, business processes focused on gaining accuracy in their strategies which slowed the response time of the business towards market changes. However, in the past two decades the increasing use of ICT in the business processes has brought in frequent changes that allowed the business houses to cope up with the changes in the market nature. Bossink (2008) stated that the basic role of ICT was to enhance the communication between a business and its stakeholders. But with continuous growth and modification in the strategy, ICT is now a dominant factor in every functional aspects of business. New technologies such as cloud computing have helped in business expansion across geographical boundaries and reduced the cost of operating overseas. Business houses can now monitor the work, gather, store and share information, synchronies their work process from a singular location in spite of travelling to all the places. Pollock (2010) stated that business operations have become more accelerated and focused with the help of ICT integration in the business. Business firms can now connect with a wider consumer base with the help of ICT technologies such as video conferencing. Furthermore, business monitoring process has also changed with advanced technologies such as cctv monitoring, employee tracking systems, etc (, 2009). Zikmund (2008) summarized that the influence of ICT on the business process has been mainly on the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Finance Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Finance Accounting - Essay Example The accounts above are made in light of portraying a true picture to the shareholders as well as any investors interested in the company. The true and fair view concept has been at the heart of financial reporting in the UK for over forty years. In recent years there has been a major increase in the international importance of this concept. This has come about with its adoption by the European Community in the Fourth Directive on company law and its implementation in all Community countries. However, this concept has never been defined in UK legislation, and a variety of meanings can be attributed to it. In view of the recent international developments and given that the UK is the source of the concept, this study sought to elicit the views of senior UK practitioners on the true and fair concept. The FRC has laid three points: that the concept of the 'true and fair view' remained a cornerstone of financial reporting and auditing in the UK; that there had been 'no substantive change in the objectives of an audit and the nature of auditors' responsibilities'; and that the need for professional judgement 'remained central to the work of preparers of accounts and auditors in the UK'. To support the application of the "true and fair view", accounting has adopted certain concepts and conventions which help to ensure that accounting information is presented accurately and consistently. The most commonly encountered convention is the 'historical cost convention'. This requires transactions to be recorded at the price ruling at the time, and for assets to be valued at their original cost. This is applicable when the calculations were made for the fixed assets of plant and machinery, fixtures and fittings and buildings. Under the...In view of the recent international developments and given that the UK is the source of the concept, this study sought to elicit the views of senior UK practitioners on the true and fair concept. The FRC has laid three points: that the concept of the 'true and fair view' remained a cornerstone of financial reporting and auditing in the UK; that there had been 'no substantive change in the objectives of an audit and the nature of auditors' responsibilities'; and that the need for professional judgement 'remained central to the work of preparers of accounts and auditors in the UK'. To support the application of the "true and fair view", accounting has adopted certain concepts and conventions which help to ensure that accounting information is presented accurately and consistently. The most commonly encountered convention is the 'historical cost convention'. This requires transactions to be recorded at the price ruling at the time, and for assets to be valued at their original cost. This is applicable when the calculations were made for the fixed assets of plant and machinery, fixtures and fittings and buildings. Under the "historical cost convention", therefore, no account is taken of changing prices in the economy. The other convention used is the monetary measurement concept.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Discuss the rationale and impact of the decision on company law Essay - 1

Discuss the rationale and impact of the decision on company law - Essay Example The case and its subsequent ruling were significant in informing successive laws that would help mitigate on the numerous dispute arising from business engagement. The doctrine of corporate identity for example exempts the shareholders of an insolvent company from any case by creditors since the company becomes the defendant in such cases. Mr. Aron Salomon ran a successful shoe manufacturing in the United Kingdom. The boot manufacturing business was a major success thus enticing his sons who expressed interest in joining the business. As such, Mr. Salomon turned his business into a limited company, which then purchased his previous business at a cost of  £39,000. Mr. Salomon became the company’s largest shareholder after he purchased 20,001 shares of the company’s 20,007 shares. Additionally, he loaned the company  £10,000. Unfortunately, subsequent years became unfavorable for the business thus causing massive loses for the company. The government, which was the company’s major customer, withdrew its tender thereby leading to a massive decline of the company’s revenue. The company therefore began defaulting on the  £10,000 debenture it owed Salmon. Half of the debenture belonged to Broderip who the sued the company thus forcing the government to put the company under liquidation. The company paid Broderip his  £5,000 but this left the company at an unstable position since it could not pay the other unsecured creditors. The company failed to reimburse the unsecured creditors. The liquidator concluded that the government should not honor the floating charge. Such an action would make Salmon personally responsible for the debt. Salmon contested the decision in court thus instigating a lengthy court battle that would reform the country’s company law. At the end of the length court cases that ended up at the House of Lords, the lawmakers appreciated the fact that a company is independent and therefore a separate legal entity. In cases

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Significance of Leadership and Management in Childhood Essay

The Significance of Leadership and Management in Childhood - Essay Example Generally, early childhood education occurs from the time of a child’s birth to the age of eight. However, in the actual sense, this kind of education normally occurs from the time of birth to the time when the child starts attending school. At this point, the child mainly learns through play which therefore becomes the focus of early childhood education. The domain of early childhood education covers social, physical, intellectual, and emotional development as well as the child’s development of creative skills. The development of children in early education greatly depends on a number of factors some of which include the management and leadership of the education centers. The paper will analyze the aspects on management and leadership with respect to early childhood education. Leadership in Early Childhood Education Generally, leadership refers to a process whereby an individual influences the others to accomplish a given objective while directing them in a more cohesi ve and coherent manner. In short leadership is the ability to encourage a group of individuals towards achieving a similar goal according to Anderson and Anderson (2010). Early care and education leadership is not limited to administration and management instead involving also aspects of education. In this sense, leadership in this field demands that practitioners become willing to take reasonable risks and maintain a vision that goes beyond individual organizations, services and programs. With respect to early childhood development, effective leadership encompasses a myriad of activities. Some of these activities include the identification and articulation of collective vision, effective communication, encouraging meditation, and the assessment and monitoring of practice. Other activities that fall in this category include the establishment of distributed leadership, commitment to progressive professional development, the establishment of team culture and a community that is commit ted to learning. Since early care centers have stakeholders that include parents and members of the community, leadership also involves encouraging and facilitating cooperation between the centre, parents and the community. Beyond doubt, leadership in early education also involves innovation, sensitivity to history, context, and diversity. According to Rodd 1996, leadership in early childhood involves kindness, patience, warmth and other attributes associated with goodness to children, parents and the community. Furthermore, leadership as noted by Rodd is concerned with orientation toward certain specific goals, good planning, confidence, and mentoring as well as professional confidence. Management in Early Childhood Education In the current world, early childhood educators face a lot of strategic and management challenges, a situation that demands their acquisition of sound management skills. Management in business terms refers to the organization and coordination of an organizatio n’s activities in accordance with particular policies in order to achieve defined objectives. Management is a discipline which comprises interrelated functions including the formulation of organizational policies, planning, controlling and organizing as well as directing the resources of an organization towards achieving the objectives. Management can involve one person or thousands of individuals depending on the size of the organization in question. Communication Communication involves the transfer of information from one party to another. During early childhood education , educators have the responsibility to communicate with the children under their care. However, in some cases there are barriers to communication which the educators u,must seek to eliminate so as to achieve

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Analyze and diagnose a hypothetical situation Essay

Analyze and diagnose a hypothetical situation - Essay Example He should go to the police immediately. If that’s the case, then Tom will not have to worry about retaliation or other complications within the company hierarchy. I will need to find out the type of pornography that Tom had seen. If the pornography found is not illegal that is it is not child pornography, then there can be no legal implications or actions that Tom can take. The matter will remain purely based on company’s policy on pornography on company computer. This will however also depend on whether the computer that held the pornography was company property or the personal property of the executive in discussion. If it is personal property, then there is nothing Tom can do as people have the right to their personal material and no law is against that. Tom will however need to explain what exactly he was doing with the executive’s computer and whether he had authorization to handle such a property. If the matter will need to be pursued, Tom should be able to produce a written permission or request allow him to use or work on the computer otherwise this may lead to negative legal repercussion of being charged with violation of privacy or private property. If he does not have anything written, then he can as well pursue another course of action. Most companies however do not allow pornographically materials in the work place and especially if people get engaged with it during working hours. These policies do not however apply during one’s break time, on most top executives and is also not followed strictly and especially if watched behind closed doors or does not negatively affect the image of the company. If this is the case with the company policy, then Tom has no charges to press or whistleblowing to do on the executive. Any course of action Tom takes may negatively affect him and not the executive. What he did when he went through the files on the executive’s computer may be taken as a violation of private property and this is punishable

Friday, August 23, 2019

Childhood and Adolescent Animal Cruelty Methods Research Proposal

Childhood and Adolescent Animal Cruelty Methods - Research Proposal Example Further research is obliged to inspect the components related to why people take an interest in youth animal evil and what are the behavioral and social viewpoints identified with this sort of conduct. Hirschi's social holding hypothesis is actualized into this study as an intention to address social bonds amid youth and their general significance in connection to creating withdrawn behavioral qualities. Hensley and Tallichet (2009) evaluated the relationship in the middle of youth and juvenile demonstrations of creature mercilessness in connection to interpersonal savagery towards people that happens further down the road. Mead (1964) attested that there was a relationship between youngsters who take part in demonstrations of creature cold-bloodedness to that of assaultive character issue. This behavioral theory pondered how youngsters could be aided by right on time conclusion when exhibiting this kind of maladjusted conduct in which may help in avoiding further inclusion in interp ersonal savagery and murder later on. The exploration address inside this study tended to a connection between the sorts of creature torment to best anticipate later interpersonal brutality in grown-ups. The type of creature torment that was considered by the specialists included demonstrations of creature pitilessness, for example, 1) Drowning, 2) Hitting, 3) Kicking, 4) Shooting, 5) Choking, 6) Burning, and 7) Having sexual relations with the creatures (Hensley &Tallichet, 2009). Inside the domain of sociology exploration, analysts normally coordinate a subjective examination configuration to build general exhaustiveness into the range of human and social association, with the objective of applying intending to these ideas in the development and acceptance of human learning.

Arizona Immigration Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Arizona Immigration Law - Research Paper Example Section 2.8b. States: â€Å"For any lawful contact made †¦ a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person.† (Senate research). This is crucial as it seeks to protect the rights of lawful immigrants in the country. Section 3.f. clarifies this by stating: â€Å"This section does not apply to a person who maintains authorization from the federal government to remain in the United States.† The constitution requires that governments protect their citizens from crimes such as burglary and foreign security threats. By enacting the immigration law, Arizona legislators acted in accordance with the constitution to protect the citizens. The law seeks to curb potential national threats from immigrants in possession of deadly weapons and anything that can be used in executing terror attacks. The country suffers a security threat from illegal immigrants who might commit crimes and undertake terrorist attacks hence any legi slation against them is much welcomed. In the US federal prisons, 25% of the inmates are illegal aliens, and 12% of total felonies and 25% of burglaries can be attributed to illegal aliens. The Arizona immigration law prevents law enforcement officers from color discriminations when contacting people. It provides that for one to be conducted he or she must have committed a crime. This acts, if implemented as intended, to curb racial profiling. It would be in concordant with the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution, which states: â€Å"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects†. Being secure in their persons means that no one will be subject to discrimination by the mere fact that they are white or black, but they will have to violate the law for a contact to be made. The provision for a person to fill a legal suit if there is an adopted or implemented policy that hinders or limits the enforcement of the Federal Immigration Laws means the enforcers will feel compelled at all times to act so as to ensure the aliens are kept at bay. This will act in the benefit of the citizens and the legal aliens to keep away the negative effects associated with these illegal immigrants, some being severe such as rapes, theft, burglary and terror. In addition, this law necessitates the removal of more law breakers from will Arizona. According to the US constitution, each state’s citizens are entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of citizens in the other states. Some of these privileges include employment opportunities. In line to this, the Arizona Immigration Law (SB 1070) requires all employers to properly scrutinize their potential employees before hiring them through the e-verification in order to ensure they are legal in the country. This provision prevents the illegal immigrants from taking away jobs from the citizens and hence, a beneficial one. It further requires employers to keep a record of the employee for a t least three months and further stipulates that incase an employer has hired an illegal emigrant, he or she should be aligned in a court of law. It also gives the state the right to suspend or terminate business licenses whenever the business entities violate this legislation. This strongly defends the US citizens’ privilege to access job opportunities in their states. It can also be argued that the Arizona Immig

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Ethics in public ad Essay Example for Free

Ethics in public ad Essay Since the 1970s there has been a great deal of change associated with the implementation of administrative ethics. These changes have been promoted and motivated by the concept of public administration in the new era. An important position is given to the concept of ethical issues in today’s civil governance. There has been a great deal of research associated with this concept which has been supported by translation of evidences and theories into practice across different continents. Frederickson and Ghere (2005) address both the managerial and individual/moral dimensions of ethical behavior as well as new challenges to administrative ethics posed by globalization. As promoted by Cooper (2001) ethics in public administration is not a transient concept but has proven to be an approach which has shown a great deal of sustainability which is fundamental to the area of public administration. Public administration has certain issues with regard to ethics implementation and finds it troublesome to come to terms with them. One reason for this is because ethics is embedded in an intellectual framework. This framework is based on stable institutional as well as role relationship levels, among both public employees as well as the organization. According to the views of a number of researchers (Bang and Sorensen, 1999; Keast et al., 2004; Rhodes, 1996; Sorensen, 2002, 2006; Sorensen and Torfing, 2004; Stoker, 1998), current government perspectives believe that clarity and stability at these levels would be problematic. Despite the increasing number of studies that have focused on the importance of administrative ethics, there has been very little effort spent on identifying what is exactly the crux of ethics in administration (Cooper, 2004). This lack of directed research in the dynamics of operations with regards to ethics in public administration along with constant changes in the principles and policies associated with administrative ethics need to be examined. These developments have raised new topics for concern in this field. One example which can be cited at this juncture is the emergence of the concept of egovernance which would require the identification of a whole new paradigm of ethics in public administration.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Doctrine of Harmonious Construction

Doctrine of Harmonious Construction HISTORY 1st amendment came in the case of Sankari Prasad before SC. The court unanimously decided to resolve the conflict between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles by placing the reliance of the line of doctrine of harmonious construction. The court held that the FRs impose limitation over the legislature and executive power. They are not inviolable and parliament can amend them to bring in conformity to directive principles. The result was generally all law providing for the acquisition of state and interest therein and specially certain state including land reform acts of U.P., Bihar and M.P. were immune from the attack based on article 13 read with other provision of part III. DOCRTINE OF HARMONIOUS CONSTRUCTION It is a sound canon of interpretation that courts must try to avoid a conflict between the provisions of Statute. The rule of reconciliation on the Entries was propounded for the first time in the case of in re C.P. and Bare Act. It is the province of the courts to determine the extent of the authority to deal with subjects falling within the legislative purview of each legislature. To avoid conflict, the Courts should read Entries of two Lists together and the language of one Entry can be interpreted, and modified too, with the help of another Entry. Interpreting Entries 24 and 25 of the State List harmoniously, the Supreme Court held that gas and gas works being in Entry 25 would not fall in the general Entry 24Industry and observed: It is also well settled that widest amplitude should be given to the language of Entries but some of the entries in the different Listsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦may overlap and sometimes may also appear to be in direct conflict with each other, it is then duty of this court to reconcile the entries and bring about harmony between them. In this way it may, in most cases, be found possible to arrive at a reasonable and practical construction of the language of the sections, so as to reconcile the respective powers they contain and to give effect to all of them. In Tika Ramji v. State of Uttar Pradesh, [3] the position of the industries was clarified by Supreme Court. In the instant case the vires of U.P. Sugarcane (Regulation of Supply and Purchase) Act, 1953 was involved. It was contended that sugarcane being controlled industry fall within the jurisdiction of the Union List by virtue of Entry 52 of List I falls within the legislative purview of Parliament. The Supreme Court, therefore, had to e xplain the Inter-relation between Entries 52 of List I, 24 and 27 of List II and 33 of List III. Entry 24 of List II and 52 of List I establish that except controlled industries, the industries generally fells within the State Sphere. Entry 27 of List II gives power to State to regulate the production, supply and distribution of goods subject to provisions of Entry 33 of List III. The sugar industry being controlled industry, the distribution, supply and production of the product of this controlled industry viz. Sugar as a finished product, Principle of Harmonious Construction The principle of harmonious interpretation is similar to the idea of broad or purposive approach. The key to this method of constitutional interpretation is that provisions of the Constitution should be harmoniously interpreted. Constitutional provisions should not be construed in isolation from all other parts of the Constitution, but should be construed as to harmonize with those other parts. A provision of the constitution must be construed and considered as part of the Constitution and it should be given a meaning and an application which does not lead to conflict with other Articles and which confirms with the Constitutions general scheme. When there are two provisions in a statute, which are in apparent conflict with each other, they should be interpreted such that effect can be given to both and that construction which renders either of them inoperative and useless should not be adopted except in the last resort. This principle is illustrated in the case of Raj Krishna vs Bino d AIR 1954. In this case, two provisions of Representation of People Act, 1951, which were in apparent conflict were brought forth. Section 33 (2) says that a Government Servant can nominate or second a person in election but section 123(8) says that a Government Servant cannot assist any candidate in election except by casting his vote. The Supreme Court observed that both these provisions should be harmoniously interpreted and held that a Government Servant was entitled to nominate or second a candidate seeking election in State Legislative assembly. This harmony can only be achieved if Section 123(8) is interpreted as giving the govt. servant the right to vote as well as to nominate or second a candidate and forbidding him to assist the candidate it any other manner. Upon looking at various cases, the following important aspects of this principle are evident The courts must avoid a head on clash of seemingly contradicting provisions and they must construe the contradictory provi sions so as to harmonize them. The provision of one section cannot be used to defeat the provision contained in another unless the court, despite all its effort, is unable to find a way to reconcile their differences. When it is impossible to completely reconcile the differences in contradictory provisions, the courts must interpret them in such as way so that effect is given to both the provisions as much as possible. Courts must also keep in mind that interpretation that reduces one provision to a useless number or a dead lumbar, is not harmonious construction. To harmonize is not to destroy any statutory provision or to render it otiose. Case 1: Unni Krishnan, J.P. and ors., etc. v. State of Andhra Pradesh and ors. The writ petition was filed challenging whether the right to life under Article 21 of the constitution guarantees a fundamental right to education to the citizens of India and right to education includes professional education. This was challenged by certain private professional educational institutions and also in respect of regulating capitation fees charged by such institutions. The Supreme Court held that right to basic education was implied by the fundamental right to life when read with article 41 of directive principle on education. As per article 45 of the constitution, the state is to provide free and compulsory education for all children below the age of 14 years and there is no fundamental right to education for a professional degree that flows from article 21. Several states have passed legislation making primary education compulsory and there is no central legislation to make elementary education compulsory. In addition, the Court held that, in order to treat a right as fundamental right, it is not necessary that it should be expressly stated as one in Part III of the Constitution: the provisions of Part III and Part IV are supplementary and complementary to each other. The Court rejected that the rights reflected in the provisions of Part III are superior to the moral claims and aspirations reflected in the provisions of Part IV. Case:2 Smt. Rani Kusum vs Smt. Kanchan Devi And Ors on 16 August, 2005 Showing the contexts in which harmonious construction author:A Pasayat appears in the document have to ascertain the object which is required to be served by this provision and its design and context in which it is enacted. The use of the word shall is ordinarily indicative of mandatory nature of the provision but having regard to the context in which it is used or having regard to the intention of the legislation, the same can be construed as directory. The rule in question has to advance the cause of justice and not to defeat it. The rules of procedure are made to advance the cause of justice and not to defeat it. Construction of the rule or procedure which promotes justice and prevents miscarriage has to be preferred. The rules or procedure are handmaid of justice stress. In the present context, the strict interpretation would defeat justice. In construing this provision, support can also be had from Order VIII Rule 10 which provides that where any party from whom a written statement is required under Rule 1 or Rule 9, fails to present the same within the time permitted or fixed by the Court, the Court shall pronounce judgment against him, or make such other order in relation written statement under this provision, the Court has been given the discretion either to pronounce judgment against the defendant or make such other order in relation to suit as it thinks fit. In the context of the provision, despite use of the word shall, the court has been given the discretion to pronounce or not to pronounce the judgment against the defendant even if written statement is not filed and instead pass such order as it may think fit in relation to the suit. In construing the provision of Order VIII Rule 1 and Rule 10, the doctrine of harmonious construction is required to be applied. The effect would be that under Rule 10 of Order VII I, the court in its discretion would have power to allow the defendant to file written statement even after expiry of period of 90 days provided in Order VIII Rule 1. There is no restriction in Order VIII Rule 10 that after expiry of ninety days, further time cannot be granted. The Court has wide power to make such order in relation to the suit as it thinks fit. Clearly, therefore, the provision of Order VIII Rule 1 providing for upper limit State Of Orissa And Ors vs Arakhita Bisoi on 14 April, 1977 Showing the contexts in which harmonious construction appears in the document respondent was allowed by the Orissa High Court by its order dated 15-7-1976 holding that the Additional Magistrate had powers to revise an order of the appellate authority passed u/s 44 by virtue of the powers conferred on him under s. 59of the Act. Dismissing the appeal by certificate, the Court, HELD: (i)The language of S. 59(1) of the Orissa Land Reforms Act is wide enough to enable the Collector to revise any order including an appellate order under S. 44 of the Act.[561B] (ii) In applying the rule of harmonious construction with a view to give effect to the intention of the legislature the court will not be justified in putting a construction which would restrict the revisionary jurisdiction of the Collector and the Board of Revenue. [560E] In the instant case, the Act is of expropratory nature and the determination of the excess lands is done by the Revenue Officer. The legislature intended that any error or irregularity should be rectified by higher authorities like the Collector and the Board of Revenue. [560E] J. K. Cotton Spinning Weaving Mills Co. Ltd. v. State revise such order. Though the amendment to section 44(3) makes it clear that a right to revision is provided for orders passed under section 44(2), we do not think that this could mean that section 44(2) as it originally stood did not provide for power of revision to the Collector under section59. In our opinion, amendment does not make any difference. The learned counsel for the appella nt submitted that section 44(3) is in the nature of a special provision and should be construed as an exception to section 59 on the principle of harmonious construction. In support of this plea the learned counsel referred to the decision in The J.K. Cotton Spinning Weaving Mills Co. Ltd. v. State of U.P. Ors. (1). In construing the provisions of clause 5(a) and clause 23 of the G.O. concerned, this Court held that the rule of harmonious construction should be applied and in applying the rule the court will have to remember that to harmonise is not to destroy and that in interpreting the statutes the court always presumes that the legislature inserted every part thereof for a purpose and the legislative intention is that every part of the statute should have effect, and a construction which defeats the intention of the rule-making authority must be avoided. This decision does not help the appellant for in our view in applying the rule of harmonious construction with a view to giv e effect to the intention o(the legislature the court will not be justified in putting a construction which would restrict the revisionary jurisdiction of the Collector and the Board of Revenue. It may be noted that the Act is of exproprietory nature and the determination of the excess lands is done by the Revenue Officer and on appeal by the Revenue Divisional Officer. In such circumstances, it is only 13roper to presume that the legislature intended that any error or irregularity should be rectified by higher authorities like the Collector and the Board of Revenue. In our view it will be in conformity with the intention of the legislature to hold that section 59 confers a power of revision of an order passed under section 44(2) of the Act. The learned counsel next referred to a decision of this Court in The Bengal Immunity Company Limited rule of construction is stated at p. 791 in the following terms by Venkatarama Ayyar, J. speaking for the Court: It is a cardinal rule of constr uction that when there are in a Statute two provisions which are in conflict with each other such that both of them cannot stand, they should, if possible be so interpreted that effect can be given to both, and that a construction which renders either of them inoperative and useless should not be adopted except in the last resort. This is what is known as the rule of harmonious construction. One application of this rule is that when there 561 is a law generally dealing with a subject and another dealing particularly with one of the topics comprised therein, the general law is to be construed as yielding to the special in respect of the matters comprised therein. Construing section 59 as conferring a power of revision against an order passed under section 44(2) is not in any way contrary to the principle laid down in the above decision. Jagdish Singh vs Lt. Governor Delhi And Others on 11 March, 1997 Showing the contexts in which harmonious construction appears in the document later. The Registrar, however, committed serious error in interpreting Sub-rule (2) of Rule 25 and directing cessation of membership of the appellant from both the societies. Mr. Bobde also argued that if Sub-rule (2) of Rule 25 is interpreted to mean that on incurring such disqualification by operation of law one ceases to be a member of both societies, then Rule 28 conferring power on the Registrar to give a written requisition to either or both the co-operative societies for cessation of the membership, would become inoperative, and therefore, efforts should be made for harmonious construction where under both the provisions can operate. Mr. Bobde also argued that under Rule 25(1) the embargo upon a person to become a member of a co-operative society is there if the said person or his spouse or any of his dependent children is a member of any other housing society. The disqualification in question is thu s attached to becoming a member of co-operative society if he is already a member of another society. Under Sub-rule (2) of Rule 25 a deemed cessation accrues obviously in relation to a society in respect of which the disqualification is attached question that arises for consideration is: whether a person who is a member of a housing co-operative society having incurred the disqualification under Rule 25(1)(c)(iii) on being a member of a subsequent housing society would cease to be a member of both the societies with effect from the date of the disqualification incurred by him. It is a cardinal principal of construction of a statute or the statutory rule that efforts should be made in construing the different provisions, so that, each provision will have its play and in the event of any conflict a harmonious construction should be given. Further a statute or a rule made there under should be read as a whole and one provision should be construed with reference to the other provision so as to make the rule consistent and any construction which would bring any inconsistency or repugnancy between one provision and the other should be avoided. One rule cannot be used to defeat another rule in the same rules unless it is impossible to effect harmonisation between them. The well-known principle of harmonious construction is that effect should be given to all the provisions, and therefore, this Court held in several cases that a construction that reduces one of the provisions to a dead letter is not a harmonious construction as one part is being destroyed and consequently court should avoid such a construction. Bearing in mind the aforesaid rules of construction if Sub-rule (2) of Rule 25 and Rule 28 are examined the obvious answer would be that under Sub-rule (2) the deemed cessation from membership of the person concerned is in relation to the society pertaining to which disqualifications are incurred. A plain reading of Rule 28 makes it crystal clear that the Regis trar when becomes aware of the fact that an individual has become a member of two co-operative societies of the same class which obviously is a disqualification under Rule 25 then he has the discretion to direct removal of the said individual from the membership of either or both the co-operative societies. If Sub-rule (2) of Rule 25 is interpreted to mean that deemed cessation of the person concerned from membership of both the societies then the question of discretion of the Registrar under Rule 28 will not arise .If the interpretation given by the Registrar incurred. In the case in hand the disqualification which the appellant incurred was in respect of his membership of the Tribal Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. as he could not have become a member of the said society as he was already a member of Dronacharaya Co-operative Group Housing Society, and therefore, by operation of Sub-rule (2) he would deem to have ceased to be a member from the Tribal Co-operative Housing Society right from the inception in November, 1983 and not from the Dronacharaya Co- operative Group Housing Society. 8. Apart from the aforesaid harmonious construction of Sub-rule (2) of Rule 25 and Rule 28, on a plain construction of Rules 25 also the same conclusion has to be arrived at. Sub-rule (1) disqualifies a person for admission as member of a housing society if he or his spouse or any of his dependent children is a member of any other housing society. The disqualification in question obviously attaches to membership of the second society and has no connection with his membership of the first society. In view of the aforesaid embargo contained in Sub-rule (1) to Rule 25, Sub-rule Significance The courts must avoid a head on clash of seemingly contradicting provisions and they must construe the contradictory provisions so as to harmonize them. The provision of one section cannot be used to defeat the provision contained in another unless the court, despite all its effort, is unable to find a way to reconcile their differences. When it is immpossible to completely reconcile the differences in contradictory provisions, the courts must interpret them in such as way so that effect is given to both the provisions as much as possible. Courts must also keep in mind that interpretation that reduces one provision to a useless number or a dead lumbar, is not harmonious construction. To harmonize is not to destroy any statutory provision or to render it otiose. Conclusion As per this doctrine the courts must try to avoid conflicts between the provisions of the statutes. Thus the provisions must be so interpreted that the conflict between the two is avoided and each of them is given effect and, for that purpose the scope and meaning of one may be restricted so as to give meaning to the other also.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Carlos Ghosn’s approach to turning Nissan around

Carlos Ghosn’s approach to turning Nissan around In order to give a thorough in-depth evaluation of Carlos Ghosns approach to turning Nissan around I have chosen to apply John Kotters 8-step model to strategic change implementation (Kotter J. P., 1996) displayed below. Kotter is regarded as an authority within the field of organization and change management and I find his model helps securing a comprehensive evaluation. The model is usually used as a forward-looking plan for how to handle a change process, but I will apply it as a retrospective analytical tool to review how the process was handled at Nissan. The first three steps are about creating the right climate for change and making sure the organization is ready to make a move ahead. The next three steps are about engaging and enabling the organization to pursue the strategy. Without support from a large part of the organization, change will not be successful, but equally important the organization needs to be equipped to handle such process change. The last two steps are all about implementing and sustaining change. Without focus on these aspects the organization is in risk of regress. The assignment puts emphasis on organizational and national culture. That is for good reason as I find them central aspects of the challenges Ghosn was facing, when he took over as the first non-Japanese COO of Nissan. Kotters 8-step model does not focus on culture, but it is implicitly handled in several of the steps most noticeable in step two and four. In the conclusion I will sum up the findings in the analysis and explicitly answer the four questions given in the text. 1 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Establish a sense of urgency2 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Form a powerful coalition3 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Create a vision4 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Communicate the vision5 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Empower others6 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Plan for and create short-term wins7 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Consolidate improvements8 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Institutionalize changes 3 | P a g e 2. EVALUATION ANALYSIS 2.1 ESTABLISH A SENSE OF URGENCY It is an ill wind that blows no good, this was also the case for the Yamaichi bankruptcy. The misfortune of the major financial house in Japan helped open the eyes of the employees in Nissan. Now the employees realized that lifetime employment was no longer a reality and that they had to do their own part to secure the companys future and thus their own jobs. Ghosn, to his credit, used the Yamaichi example whenever he could to continue to motivate his employees, repeating that their fate would be no different if they did not put all of their effort into figuring out, and then executing, the best way to turn Nissan around. (Millikin Dean, 2003) The bankruptcy was indeed a blessing in disguise for Ghosn as it created the burning platform that according to Kotter is crucial to do change. Change is always accompanied by anxiety for the unfamiliar, but this event made sure the whole organization was aware that status quo is more dangerous for Nissan and each employee than venturing into the unknown. Kotter believes that around half of the failed change efforts can be traced back to step one. If people do not see why change is necessary, then motivation for change will be nonexistent. Moving a huge organization simply by brute force is an impossible task, but Ghosns strike of luck created a powerful momentum that diminished potential resistance to change. 2.2 FORM A POWERFUL COALITION One man cannot change a huge company such as Nissan. Ghosn realized this as well. Even though he had been talking with plant employees and had gained a lot of knowledge about what should be done, he chose not to impose a revival plan on Nissan. He wanted the employees to come up with ideas themselves and to lay down a plan for what was to happen. His establishment of the nine Cross-Functional Teams (CFTs) and their sub-teams created powerful coalitions that were essential in turning the company around. These coalitions mainly consisted of middle managers, but they were empowered because they reported directly to two supervisors from the executive committee, had full access to all 4 | P a g e necessary information, and they had the full support from top management. The cross-functional aspect gave the freedom and insight to create radical changes without being weighted down by the need for conscientiousness and corporation, which is a general characteristic for most Japanese companies including Nissan. This powerful coalition is, according to Kotter, fundamental for a successful change as Ghosn needed protagonists to influence the whole organization and these protagonists needed to have enough impact to counteract the inherent resistance to change. A powerful coalition is especially important in Japanese culture as group harmony is a cornerstone in their work environment. A powerful coalition will have fewer problems, relative to a similar situation in a company in Western culture, converting the minds of opponents as many will act opportunistic and follow the majority or as Ghosn puts it: When you get a clear strategy and communicate your priorities, its a pleasure working in Japan. The Japanese are so organized and know how to make the best of things. They respect leadership. (Millikin Dean, 2003) 2.3 CREATE A VISION According to Ghosn, Nissan had been suffering from management lacking vision and he pointed this out as one of five main issues that he wanted to address. First creating the Nissan Revival Plan and then formulating Nissan 180 was an excellent two-step vision, which was guiding, laying a foundation for decision making, and created a bridge from the present to where he wanted to take the company in the future. The vision helped the employees understand why they had to undergo change by showing what was in store in the future. That they had to change their attention from regaining market shares to focus on customer demands. Not only was Ghosn aggressively launching the Nissan 180 program to transition out of the Nissan Revival Plan program, but he was also pushing a new, customer-focused initiative called Quality3-3-3. (Millikin Dean, 2003) 5 | P a g e Creating a vision that is tangible, concise, and easy to relate to for the employees is key when setting out to change an organization. Detailed plans for what needs to be done are at this point not advisable because they do not create the much needed excitement and enthusiasm, which is so vital. It is important to bear in mind that this step is part of the first three steps, which focus on creating the right climate for change. It is therefore all about talking to peoples feelings and not necessarily to their intellect. Furthermore Kotter stresses that leaders need to walk the walk. Actions often speak louder than words and if leaders want people to follow them, then they must take the lead. Ghosn was aware of this. One issue Ghosn noticed, shortly after arriving at Nissan, was the lack of communication between the layers of the organization, and as the quote below shows Ghosn was prepared to walks the walk himself. He was the first manager to actually walk around the entire company and meet every employee in person, shaking hands and introducing himself. (Millikin Dean, 2003) 2.4 COMMUNICATE THE VISION It is not enough to create a great vision. It also has to be communicated effectively to the organization. It says in the text that Ghosn communicated both NRP and Nissan 180 aggressively and that two of his three philosophies of management are: Transparency an organization can only be effective if followers believe that what the leaders think, say, and do are all the same thing. Communication of company direction and priorities this is the only way to get truly unified effort and buy-in. (Millikin Dean, 2003) Information concerning his methods of communication is unfortunately lacking, but there is no doubt, that he understood the importance of communicating the vision, and results show that he succeeded brilliantly. Ghosn and his coalition managed to reach out to all employees and motivate them to move towards the vision. If he had not been able to communicate 6 | P a g e effectively enough the NRP arguably would not have been the rapid success it turned out to be. The NRP was achieved in March 2002, one year ahead of schedule. (Millikin Dean, 2003) Kotter stresses the importance of having focus on communication of the vision because it will act as a guideline, and if people do not get that information they do not know which direction to go. Because mental images are easier to remember one of the effective ways to get the message across is using metaphors, analogies, and examples. His metaphor of 180 in the Nissan 180 vision is a paragon of virtue in that way. It clearly creates a picture of turning the company around, and incorporating the metrics in the 180 made it easier for employees to remember what they needed to do. 2.5 EMPOWER OTHERS The Japanese culture forced Ghosn to pay extra attention on the empowerment of employees. As mentioned, Japanese business culture is characterized by a search for conscientiousness, corporation, group harmony, and an avoidance of mistakes. This all leads to a delay of decision making and a lack of responsibility. The introduction of CFTs was an attempt to break with the inconveniences of Japanese culture without harassing the fundamentals. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦cultural conflict, if paced and channeled correctly, could provide opportunity for rapid innovation. (Millikin Dean, 2003) People in CFTs got a birds eye perspective of the company and it gave them a sense of ownership and responsibility, which was necessary to turn things around. Ghosn even went as far as to put his own fate in the hands of his employees as he had publicly stated his trust in the employees abilities. He encouraged employees to come forth with their ideas and take risks. This was contradictory to their instincts as it was embedded in the organizational culture not to seek risks and to reach consensus before making a decision. Furthermore, he made organizational changes such as permanent cross-functional departments and matrix organization for higher-level staff, which all emphasized the demand for 7 | P a g e responsibility and accountability. Finally he changed the traditional Japanese compensation system to a more Western approach with possibility for employee advancements based on performance instead of seniority. This greatly empowered the talented employees, which was much needed in this change. In many cases, these midlevel managers enjoyed learning about the business à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and felt fully engaged in the change process, giving them a sense of responsibility and ownership about turning Nissan around. (Millikin Dean, 2003) 2.6 PLAN FOR AND CREATE SHORT-TERM WINS Ghosn excels when it comes to creating short-term wins. His NRP created tremendous results that boosted motivation throughout the organization. One success was a 20% reduction in purchasing costsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the supplier base shrunk by 40% and the service suppliers decreased by 60%. (Millikin Dean, 2003) It is incredibly important that short-term wins are communicated broadly to the organization, so people can see their hard work come to fruition. Often leaders of change hope that short-term success will arise, but according to Kotter it is necessary to actually plan for them. A commitment to create short-term goals has a positive side effect as it increases the sense of urgency throughout the first period. Ghosn did it brilliantly by announcing to the public that the company would show a profit within two years. This is something all employees can understand and it creates a commitment that helps in the realization of his promises. 2.7 CONSOLIDATE IMPROVEMENTS One of Ghosns three management principles is to execute. He states that 95% of the job is about execution. It is not enough to have a strategy if it is not carried out. This is completely in line with Kotters thinking. The consolidation of improvements is all about securing the short-term wins by rooting them in the company and using that as a foundation for further work. At the same time as he declared that the NRP was achieved he announced the Nissan 180. Nissan 180 represented a plan for growth based on the improvements that NRP yielded. 8 | P a g e Now that they had made the necessary improvements, it was time to consolidate and improve further. I think many leaders mistakenly would have left out the second step of Ghosns two-step vision. But if he had done so, the company presumably would have had difficulties rooting the tremendous results and huge changes that were created in such a short time. His timing of the announcement of Nissan 180 was perfect as it kept the momentum going. The Nissan Revival Plan is over. Two years after the start of its implementation, all the official commitments we took have been overachieved one full year ahead of scheduleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Nissan is now ready to grow. 2.8 INSTITUTIONALIZE CHANGES Another of Kotter areas of focus is that changes are often considered finished too early. The organization needs time to really settle in the new ways and if victory is declared too early, then there is a risk of returning to the old ways. Ghosn was aware of that as he was concerned with what will happen when he returned to Renault. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Ghosn contemplates the future, he knows that the transformation has really just begun The momentum and positive energy that have been created from all the success needs to be followed-up by a new vision and new goals. This can potentially be a difficult task because the great success could diminish the employees sense of urgency. Whether or not his successor is able to do so remains unknown, but the fact that Ghosn was aware that there is still a long way to go shows his great insight to problems with turning a company around and institutionalizing changes. 9 | P a g e 3. EVALUATION CONCLUSION Omitting the fact that Kotter introduced his 8-step model in 1995 one could almost suspect that Ghosn had read about Kotters model to strategic change as it looks like he follows them closely. Ghosns ability to establish the right climate for change, engaging and enabling the whole organization, and implementing and sustaining the change in such a large organization is admirable. 1) I think the resistance to change that Ghosn faced was inevitable. Turning a company around as drastically as was needed for Nissan is bound to create resistance. Such a big change makes the future uncertain for many employees and the uncertainty is something many naturally try to avoid. Combining that with strong Japanese traditions, an organizational culture that is hindering innovation and adaptability, and a Japanese government that historically always have bailed out troubled employees, and thereby created a pretext for inaction, only made it worse. Trying to move people, who do not find movement necessary, will unavoidably create tension and resistance. That being said, I think Ghosn handed the resistance to change ideally. 2) I am sure that many parts of the Nissan organization did not feel very good about having Ghosn changing things as drastically as he did. The reduction of 21,000 jobs will inevitably create opponents among the lower level employees as well as higher in the hierarchy. Furthermore, the demotion of Vice President of Sales and Marketing in Japan would presumably create antagonists with more leverage. Throughout the text examples of his no-nonsense approach to leadership shows that he is a tough leader that does not accept failure and he demands that people take responsibility for their actions. I think this kind of approach combined with his philosophies of management and his capacity for global leadership was the key to his success in Nissan and the reason why his opponents were not able to challenge him seriously. Another reason is the respect for leadership that is inherent in most Japanese. This made his approach to leadership even more effective. Finally, his involvement of the CF Ts made sure that he would not be the only one in the line of fire. The delegation of responsibilities to the CFTs helped getting the support of middle and lower levels, so he could focus his attention on top management. 10 | P a g e 3) The national culture has without a doubt played a large part in the outcome of Ghosns attempt to turn Nissan around. On the one hand it hindered change because of the sense of security the government created and its rigid approach to decision making and career advancement. On the other hand the respect for leadership made it easier for him and his CFTs to have an impact on the organization. The cultural differences between Ghosn and the Nissan organization was profound because he had never been exposed to Japanese culture before, but his approach to the culture ensured that he was fully aware of the issues that could arise. He stated that he wanted to discover Japan by being in Japan with Japanese people. That shows his humble and respectful approach to their culture, which I think benefitted him. 4) There is no doubt that Ghosn was lucky. His timing was impeccable as the bankruptcy of Yamaichi happened when he took office as COO in Nissan. This fortunate misfortune paved the way for a major organizational and cultural change that otherwise would have been hard to push through. Without this, Ghosn and his CFTs would probably have faced a much more daunting task. Whether or not they would have been able to power through in spite remains unknown, but having learned about Ghosn leadership abilities I think he would have found a way. All in all I think Carlos Ghosn did an incredible job turning Nissan around in a very short period of time. As a non-Japanese COO he managed to overcome Japanese cultural obstacles, as well as effectively transforming a bureaucratic organizational culture and turning a large continuing deficit into a profit within 18 month. One could question whether his successor will be able to continue what Ghosn started or if he/she needs to find his/her own way. Either way, Ghosn has a justifiable concern for the future of Nissan. They might be on the right path, but they are still far from reaching their goals. 11 | P a g e

Monday, August 19, 2019

Classroom Management and Learning Theories Essay -- teaching practices,

Teachers use theories, models of learning, and professional standards to shape their teaching practices. There are several learning theories that have evolved the educational field. Theories guide instruction and the beliefs of the teachers. Teachers use these theories, standards, and personal beliefs to develop goals in order to improve teaching effectiveness. Through exploring multiple learning theories and reflecting on my own teaching beliefs, I have developed my own theory of learning. As I developed my theory, I wanted to consider what it takes to be a highly effective teacher. An effective teacher must have mastery of instructional strategies, classroom management, classroom curriculum design, and use assessments as feedback (Laureate Education, 2010a). By using a variety of instructional strategies, teacher’s can meet the learning styles of all the students in the classroom. Effective classroom management can lead to students feeling safe and more willing to take risks. When a student feels comfortable to take risk, then learning will increase and the students’ confidence will grow. Classroom management also creates order in the environment, which will allow effective learning to occur. By understanding curriculum, the teacher can target skills and causes learning to take place. Teachers need to deliberately pl an lessons around standards and specific goals based on curriculum and the school’s mission (Marzano, 2010). Assessments need to be use to guide instruction and used as a â€Å"method for improvement and mastery,† (Marzano, 2010). While determining my own theory of learning, I believe that I need to consider what effective teachers demonstrate in the classroom. My theory of learning is based around the ... ...ation, Inc. (2010). Designing curriculum, instruction, and assessment: Research on learning. Baltimore, MD: Author. Laureate Education, Inc. (2010). Designing curriculum, instruction, and assessment: Teaching and learning. Baltimore, MD: Author. Killion, J. (2008). Knowledge, attitude, skills, aspirations, behaviors (KASAB) matrix. Adapted from Assessing impact: Evaluating staff development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press Marzano, R. J. (Ed.). (2010). On excellence in teaching. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press. National Board Professional Teaching Standards. (2002). What teachers should know and be able to do. Retrieved from Social Learning Theory (Bandura). (n.d.). . Retrieved May 5, 2014, from

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Developmental Psychology :: Psychology Psychological Essays

Developmental Psychology There are three main theories of development that I shall discuss in this assignment, 'Cognitive', the main theorist being, 'Piaget', (1896 - 1980), The, 'Psychosocial Theory', 'Erikson', (1902 - 1994), and, The 'Psychosexual', of, 'Freud', (1856 - 1939). Cognitive Psychology draws the comparison between the human mind and a computer, suggesting that we like the computer process the information we acquire from around us and then react accordingly. Hearnshaw, (1987), claims that Cognitive Psychology is both one of the oldest and also one of the newest parts of Psychology, cited in ?T. Malim?, (1994). Information is collected through our senses i.e. vision, touch, smell etc and then processed through our brain. Cognitive Psychologists largely seek explanations of Cognitive development, memory, attention, artificial intelligence, perception and social cognition. The methods used are usually Laboratory experiments under controlled circumstances i.e. memory tests, and, Case studies. Piaget, (J), (1896-1980), carried out case studies on his own children to study the stages of cognitive development. Piaget concluded that the child was an organism which adapts to the environment, he also studied with the opinion that all children went through the same set stages of development and that there were no individual differences. Piagets? Stages of Development: - The Sensorimotor stage, (0-2): - Early in the sensorimotor stage the child is entirely egocentric, everything is an extension to the self, they can?t distinguish themselves from their environment. The child has no concept of past or future all it is aware of is the here and now. The child relies entirely on it?s senses i.e. sight, hearing, touch. It is believed by Cognitive Psychologists that ?.. ?To begin with, a baby will rely on in-built behaviours for sucking, crawling and watching? as cited in Moonie, N, (1995). A child does not understand that an object does not cease to exist when it is out of sight. However, in contradiction, Bower & Wishart, (1972), used infrared cameras to see what the child does when an object disappears. The child is shown a bottle in the light, when the child reaches to grasp the bottle the lights are turned out. Bower & Wishart recorded that the child continued to reach for the bottle for up to 1.5minutes after the lights are turned out. Another point m ade by Piaget is that not only does the child look for an object, which is hidden, but also the child will not look for it even if part of it is showing.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Empiricism and Connie

Although Connie works hard to present the appearance of being a mature woman who is experienced with men, her encounter with Arnold reveals that this is only a performance. She has created an attractive adult persona through her clothing, hairstyle, and general behavior and gets the attention she desires from boys. But Connie confuses her ability to command attention from boys with her desire to actually have them pursue her in a sexual way.The love and romance evident in songs she listens to and images of pop culture that surround her are much different from the reality of adult sexuality. Although Connie does experiment with sexuality, such as when she goes into the alley with Eddie, she is fearful of actually becoming an adult. Arnold Friend takes her by force into adulthood, but this violent act represents a shift within Connie herself: the abandoning of childlike fantasy for the realities of being a mature woman.Although Connie works hard to present the appearance of being a mat ure woman who is experienced with men, her encounter with Arnold reveals that this is only a performance.She has created an attractive adult persona through her clothing, hairstyle, and general behavior and gets the attention she desires from boys. But Connie confuses her ability to command attention from boys with her desire to actually have them pursue her in a sexual way. The love and romance evident in songs she listens to and images of pop culture that surround her are much different from the reality of adult sexuality.

Jungle Rot

Tropical ulcers (also commonly known as Jungle Rot) are necrotic painful lesions that are a result from a mixed bacterial infection. These ulcers are common in hot humid tropical or subtropical areas. They are usually found on the lower legs or feet of children and young adults. Typically, the ulcers have a raised border, and a yellowish necrotic base. The ulcers may heal spontaneously, but in many instances extension may occur which results in deep lesions that can penetrate into muscles, tendons and bone.If the so called Jungle Rot goes untreated it can result in much scar tissue and disability. A person can contract this disease or disorder in the skin from having preexisting abrasions or sores that sometimes begin from a mere scratch. The majority of tropical ulcers will occur below the knee of the patient, usually around the ankle. These lesions can sometimes also occur on the arms, but it is more likely to occur on the lower parts of the body. Most of the people who get this ul cer are subjects with poor nutrition which puts them at a higher risk, or people who do not wear socks or proper footwear and clothing.Jungle rot has been described as a disease of the â€Å"poor and hungry'. Urbanization of populations could be a factor in the disorder seeing as tropical ulcers are usually a rural problem. Sometimes outbreaks can occur; one was recorded in Tanzania in sugarcane workers cutting the crops while barefoot. Another piece of information on these ulcers is that males are more commonly infected than females. There are not really any symptoms from having a tropical ulcer. You are simply Just infected in some way and the ulcer appears. It is initially circular, superficial, very painful, and has purple edges.It will enlarge rapidly across the skin and down into deeper tissues such as the muscle or even the periosteum, which is the fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones. Tropical ulcers (or Jungle Rot) are known to reach several centimeters in diamet er after a couple of weeks. The edges will become thickened and raised at this stage of the ulcers growth. The central crater may also become necrotic, or blackened due to the death of tissue. Sometimes, the ulcer becomes foul smelling and quite simply, very nasty looking or else disgusting.Luckily, there are some known treatments for hese ulcers, although not all of the ulcers are treatable. In the early stages of the ulcers growth antibiotics such as penicillin or metronidazole can be used in combination with a topical antiseptic to reduce the size of the ulcer and ultimately clear the ulcer up altogether. For other subjects, if you simply improve nutrition and vitamins into their diet the ulcer can be healed. Sometimes if you Just keep the infected area clan or elevated the area becomes well. In extreme cases, amputation is necessary, but most of the time the Tropical ulcer can be treated with success.The reatments are usually quite affordable, it all Just depends on the person b eing treated and the amount ot money they nave . This disorder is also curable. The ulcers are known to go away in time as little as a week after being treated. Once a person has been ridded of the ulcer life can go on as normal if the treatment was successful. Sometimes there are complications with the skin pigmentation of the patient after treatment. Victims have been known to have different colors such as bright red, blue, and green around and on the infected area. It is even rare for there to be a color hange from regular pigmentation to orange.Although life goes on normally for some, for others it is different. If a patient's ulcer grew deep into large muscles or a bone, they can be left walking with a limp or other things such as not being able to use their arm or fingers in such ways like lifting things that they used to be able to. There are also more serious cases involving amputation that can put a person in a handicapped position such as having to use crutches to help wal k or only having one arm which limits very many things. There are known to be outbreaks of tropical ulcers, but nothing is said on a person preading the infection to another person physically.